September 27, 2016

Javascript and D3

Today's Schedule

  • Review last week's homework
  • Javascript Basics
  • D3 Basics
  • Homework

Let's take a look at everyone's homework

Javascript Basics

What is Javascript?

While HTML is a programming language used for page layout, Javascript is a programming language used for page manipulation.

Javascript code is written for the page to interpret, not render.

Script Tags

All Javascript code must be wrapped in between two <script> tags. These tags can be anywhere on an HTML page, in the header or the body.



Code Syntax

Javascript code is executed line-by-line, from top to bottom. While spacing and indentation do not matter, each line must end with a semi-colon.


A variable is a common name for a value that might change. By storing things as variables, we can access them later. Here we can store a number and print it out to the browser console.


  var myNumber = 42;



Number Variables

Numbers can be manipulated with math!


  var myNumber = 42;

  myNumber = myNumber + 10;



String Variables

Text is stored by surrounding the characters with quotation marks, and text strings can be concatenated to eachother.


  var myString = "Javascript is Cool!";

  console.log("D3 and " + myString);


Boolean Variables

Booleans are values that are either true or false.


  var myNumber = 20;

  var bigNumber = myNumber > 100;



Array Variables

A list of variables can be stored as an Array, and you select which entry you need by using a 0-index based numbering system.


  var myArray = ["one", "two", "three", "four"];

  // Any line starting with double slashes is a comment
  // that will not be interpreted by the browser.

  // This should print out "two"


Object Variables

Instead of using a flat list as in Arrays, you can store data with keys and values to easily access later.


  var myObject = {
    "name": "Dave",
    "color": "red"




When logic may need to be repeated multiple times, it is best practice to store that logic in one place. Functions are triggered by saying the variable name followed by a set of parenthesis.


  var sayHello = function() {



Function Variables

Functions may accept variables to use internally.


  var sayText = function(txt) {



Function Returns

Additionally, functions can return a value.


  var plusTen = function(num) {
    return num + 10;

  var thirty = plusTen(20);



Conditional Statements

Javascript contains syntax for evaluating logic and performing actions when a defined parameter is met.


  var myNumber = 12;

  if (myNumber > 10) {
    console.log("greater than 10!");
  else {
    console.log("less than 10!");


Combining Everything

Javascript starts to shine once you start combining these concepts.


  function greaterThanTen(num) {

    if (num > 10) {
      console.log("greater than 10!");
    else {
      console.log("less than 10!");

    return num > 10;


  // this should return true


Interacting with HTML

The "document" is a pre-defined object with information and functions relating to the page itself. Here, we can select an element and change it's content:

<h1 id="name"></h1>

  document.getElementById("name").innerHTML = "Dave";



D3 Basics

What is D3?

D3 is an external javascript library that allows for manipulating HTML page elements in Javascript using complex data arrays. It also provides a lot of nice javascript shortcuts.

First, let's include D3 on our page:

<script src=""></script>


Similar to vanilla Javascript and JQuery, D3 has it's own element selector:


Attributes and Styles

Element attributes and styles can be changed by using the supplied D3 functions:"#name")
  .attr("class", "big")
  .style("color", "red");


You can also select multiple elements on a page and change all of the properties at the same time.

  .style("color", "red");

Applying Data to Elements

Now let's get into why D3 is so great. Instead of re-inventing the wheel, let's do the tutorial that the creator of D3 put together:



Create a simple SVG page that modifies the data/elements of that SVG when clicking on a button.